Monday, May 5, 2008

Noheli Pocaterra urged Bolivians to keep their country's integrity

ABN 02/05/2008

Caracas, May 2. ABN.- Sectors trying to separate Bolivia want to manage State's resources and they reject, because their excluding and racist attitude, that an indigenous man, like Evo Morales Ayma, is the President of Bolivia.

The statements were made by the deputy of the National Assembly, Noheli Pocaterra, during a mass meeting act organized by Venezuelan indigenous people in joint with the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela (UBV) for Bolivian people unity.

“Those sectors have divided the economic destiny of the country supported by the Government of United States, because they want to take possession of the natural resources and keep managing the continent as it were its colony”, she held.

Pocaterra pointed out that the separatist action that some are trying to carry out in Bolivia is rejected by the Organization of American States (OAS).

“Bolivians as well as international community reject this action, the OAS is against it and it is trying to reach a dialog to mediate in the situation”, she said.

Pocaterra assured that those promoting the referendum in Bolivia are also trying to sabotage the integration of South American countries.

“We make a call to Bolivians to keep their cohesion and unity. It is about the defense of their territorial integrity, of their lives. We do not accept to be nobody's colony”, she stressed.

Pocaterra said that indigenous people movements have gathered to show their solidarity to Bolivians and to say to the world that they reject a separatist attempt.

“Those trying to divide Bolivia are against the new political
constitution and the re-founding of the motherland”, Pocaterra pointed

Translated by Ernesto Aguilera

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